Entertaining (hopefully) but educational (definitely), This Book Isn’t Boring: How Electricity Gets to Your House presents science for the unscientific. It’s also for nerds. 

For the unscientific, Lancaster uses his sweet biceps to break each concept, written in plain English, into an independent piece, creating the first idiotic reference book. It covers the basics of electricity, generation, transmission, and operations to build a foundation for anyone who NEEDS to learn about electricity (like someone taking the NERC exam).

For the nerds, Lancaster reaches deep into his inner nerdness and extracts an enjoyable walk through a network often taken for granted1, a miraculous system that charges our phones, lowers infant mortality, and makes the modern world possible.

1 Based on the number of people who call a control room really pissed off because their lights went out

Read Me!

Excerpt of Chapter 1 and a bit of Chapter 2, too see if the book is for you.

Supplemental Material

This Page has links to Section 1 Basic Electricity, Section 2 Generation, Section 3 Transmission, Section 4 Operations, Glossary, List of Equations, and whatever else gets added.

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Other Projects

After I complete some of them, I’ll put links to my other projects here.

“I’ve read better. No, I didn’t actually read the book. I can just tell. “

Fake Person

“Reserved for a future, actual, real review.”

Jason Doe

“He took me for everything I had. Great time!”

Manti Te’o